Tikanga ā-Iwi

Taumata marautanga Kaikoha Rauemi Te rā i whakatakotoria
Katoa Pakohe Papers Ltd

Whare Tauira (Publisher, 11 MB)

Lasercut pull apart and put back together model wharepuni. Can be used to teach names for each part of the whare and/or to teach tikanga a iwi. Suitable for 5+ Two models and two sizes available Approx 20 pieces per puzzle Materials: MDF, Buckram, PVA Shipped Flatpacked Assembly Instructions included List of part names included

Taumata 3 Kelly, Tandi, te Mako

Matariki (Word, 42 KB)

This resource has a Social Studies/ Tikanga ā-iwi focus and provides learning around attitudes and the social decision-making necessary for Matariki to become a public holiday.

Taumata 4 Te Mako

Taku Patu (Word 2007, 82 KB)

He mahere ako mō tētahi wāhanga kura. Ia wiki ka whaia e ngā tamariki he tūmomo rangahau mō tō rātou tūrangawaewae. I te mutunga ake, ko te tumanako ka mōhio whānui te tamaiti i a ia anō.
