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Tirohia mā te reo: Māori | Ingarihi

Te Rauparaha

He tīmatanga kōrero

Hei tuhinga kōrero nā Rakera mā

Anei tētehi tuhinga kōrero i tāia i tērā rau tau. Nā Rakera pea, he kuia nō Ngāti Toa. MS-1547, 'Maori notebook: whakapapa of Ngati Toa written in a number of hands including...

Hiko (Te Hiko o te Rangi), the son of Te Pēhi Kupe (Tupai Cupa) [1839]

Nā Charles Heaphy tēnei pikitia i waituhi.Kei te Whare Pukapuka a Alexander Turnbull Library.Ko Te Hiko o te Rangi tēnei, he tama nā Te Pēhi. He ariki ia nō Ngāti...

Hiko, the son of Te Pēhi Kupe (Tupai Cupa)

HMPS Driver in Porirua habour

HMPS driver in Porirua harbour [1846]

Kāore i te mōhiotia nā wai tēnei pikitia i waituhi.Kei te Whare Pukapuka a Alexander Turnbull Library.Kei te taha matau o tēnei pikitia te "Driver" e teretere ana i Porirua....

Jillet's whaling station on Kāpiti island

Jillet's whaling station on Kāpiti Island [1844]

Nā Walter Armiger Bowring tēnei pikitia i waituhi.Kei te Whare Pukapuka a Alexander Turnbull Library.Nā Alexander Gilfillan tēnei wāhi i tuhi i te tau 1844. Nā Bowring tēnei kape i...

Journal of the polynesian society


MapColl CHA-2/1/3North Island: pre-1840 settlement. Historical Branch, Department of Internal Affairs. (Manuscript, drawn for the proposed Centennial Historical Atlas, 194-?). Nā te Kohikohinga a Internal Affairs tēnei mahere whenua. Kei...

Whārangi 2 ō 10

Hoki ake ki runga
